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GIFT FOR REFERRAL Mountain West Wellness Health Tips, Issue #048
July 10, 2017

Get a Gift for Referring Someone in July

So many people refer their friends and family to us every month and that is a huge testimonial to the kind of work that we do here. We feel so grateful for the trust that you put in us to take care of the people that you care about.

To say thanks, if someone comes in during the month of July and says that they were referred by you we have a gift for you. The company Sounds True, who produces books, audio courses and lectures, and video has graciously donated a box of there products to us to give away. We have stuff from Carline Myss, Adyashanti, Depak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle, Pema Chodren, and a bunch more.

When someone new comes in and says that they were referred by you we will call you and let you know. Then the next time you are in you can grab something from the box of goodies. We do have a limited supply of this stuff and the giveaway will last as long as we have stuff.

Just a little thanks from us!!

New Qigong Practice Video

If you have ever taken qigong from Jack or wanted to, his qigong video has finally been released. In order to keep costs down it is available for rent or download. Go to the qigong page to see the trailer and get it at Essence Vimeo Page

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Please feel free to forward this newsletter on to anyone that you know who might be interested in the information.

Stay Healthy!

Jack, Kim, Erin, Jonathan, and Lynn

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